
- Sample confirmation paper of attending at University, see details here.

- Sample confirmation paper for students temporarily postponing Militery duty in Da Nang city, see details here.

- Letter for permission to have studying days off, see details here.

- Application for permission to postpone the final exam, see details here.

- Loan confirmation paper, see details here.

- Tuition exemption or reduction confirmation paper, see details here.

- Application for support of study expenses, see details here.

- Confirmation of incentives, see details here.

- Class meeting statement, see details here.

- Statement of class meetings to consider moral results, scholarships, and rewards, see details here.

- Application to continue studying, see details here.

- Report students absent from school for 1 month, see details here.

- Report students absent from class weekly, see details here.

- Lecture hall loan form (for activities and conferences), see details here.

- Lecture hall loan form (for class meetings), see details here.

- Confirmation paper of graduation diploma, see details here.

- Application for staying in the dormitaryof University, see details here.