Development Strategy


1. General Direction

- Maintain a professional, modern administrative system and progressive operational methods.

- The management organization of the Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation (in terms of quantity and quality) meets the standards as required. This includes meeting the strict requirements of the department's management framework and significant development in manpower.

- Maintain the reputation of the Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation in training and specialized scientific research, recognized by society; expand activities towards regional influence.

- Develop the cultural identity of the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation specialty, meeting the needs of learners, labor users, and stakeholders.

- Develop the expertise of specialized faculty members: By 2025, the goal is to have at least 01 PhD serving as a full-time lecturer.

- Standardize the support staff team (all trained in their respective fields and regularly undergo vocational training, with the quality of activities rated at least 'Good').

2. Training Activities

Direction: Professionalize training activities and ensure the quality of education, being able to offer postgraduate training programs in the specialty.


1 - Maintain the quality of training programs, establish necessary conditions to offer postgraduate training programs.

2 - Research development directions for short-term collaborative programs.

3 - Scientific Research Activities

Direction: Conduct scientific research (SR) to international standards and levels. Increase the quantity and quality of scientific research products and technological development.


- Ensure the quality of conferences, scientific reports, particularly focusing on enhancing the quality and effectiveness of scientific reports, conferences, and workshops.

- 100% of faculty members participate in SR.

- Successfully publish SR results on the University's website and effectively utilize useful reference sources for training and research purposes.

- Establish and develop at least 01 specialized research group.

Other SR indicators:

- Basic level SR topics: 02 topics/year.

- Scientific papers published domestically and internationally: 02 papers/year.

- Regular participation in reputable national professional conferences.

- Student SR: Encourage students to participate in SR in all SR competitions, with support from department faculty as well as participation in faculty SR projects.

4. Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

- Maintain existing domestic and international cooperative relationships.

- Develop University - Institute cooperation.

- Establish cooperative relationships with external partners, including Medical Schools, Research Institutes, and various enterprises (Technology, etc.).

5. Quality Assurance Activities

Continuously implement quality assurance activities for the training and improve the specialization training programs.

- Regularly review faculty teaching activities, adjust teaching programs timely to meet the effectiveness and quality of training.

- Periodically collect post-graduation feedback from students regarding training programs, specialty outcomes, and feedback on department faculty teaching and course materials.

- Conduct self-assessment of training programs, continuously improving to meet educational quality requirements.

6. Community Service Activities

Regularly and continuously implement community service-related activities, participate in voluntary work, donate blood...

Regularly organize joint activities with the Youth Union, support students in difficult circumstances.

Collaborate and support city hospitals to train medical personnel in specialties.

7. Human Resources Activities

- Supplement and improve the quality of specialized faculty.

- Add sufficient personnel to upgrade the Department to a Faculty by 2025.