1. Functions:
Plannings, organization, coordinating for pre-clinical skills training activitives to students and other subjects; Ensuring facilities and equipment for teachings and learnings at the pre-clinical skills training Center
Scientific researching on medical education and applications of clinical simulation
2. Duties:
2.1 Main duties:
a. Developing and submit to the Principal to promulgate procedures for pre-clinical skills practice teaching and assessments
b. Making a teaching- learning plan for pre-clinical skills practicing for other subjects in each course.
c. Coodinating, organization in teaching-learning, assessment and examing the pre-clinical skills practice at the Center for faculties and departments.
d. Preparing facilities for teaching-learning actives, assessement and examed actives the pre-clinical skills practicing at the Center.
đ . Making annual plans in buying equipments, consumables to ensure teaching-learning actives at the Center.
e. Developing plans and organizing the appication of IT in leaching-learning actives at the pre-clinical skills training Center
g. Developing plans and performig training and scientific research activities for the Center’s lecturers and staffs; Cooperate with domestis and foreign organization on pre-clinical skills training.
2.2 The orther duties
a. Coordinating with Training Department and other speccialized units to develop training programs, materials for teaching and learning pre-clinical skills for other subjects.
b. Coordinating with Equipment Department to maintain and repair models and equipments for leaching-learning activities.
2.3 Performing other tasks of DUMTP
a. Managing, evaluating, classify and recommend the classification of the center's officials and workers according to the University's regulations.
b. Managing, operating and preserve models, medical equipments and facilities at the Center
c. Participating in Union activities and perform other tasks as assigned by the DUMTP.