Year |
Competition title |
Number, date, month, year of the decision to recognize the emulation title; decision - making body |
2019-2020 |
Merit |
Decision no: 1308/QĐ-BYT date 17/02//2021; Ministry of Health |
2021-2022 |
Merit |
Decision no: 561/QĐ-BYT date 08/02/2023; Ministry of Health |
2022-2023 |
Merit |
Decision no: 1424/QĐ-BYT date 17/3/2023; Ministry of Health |
Year |
Competition title
Number, date, month, year of the decision to recognize the emulation title; decision - making body
2020-2021 |
Excellent Labor Collective
Decision no: 1595/QĐ-BYT
date 20/6/2022; Ministry of Health
2021-2022 |
Excellent Labor Collective
Decision no: 842/QĐ-BYT date 17/02/2023; Ministry of Health |